The Powerful Mindset Shift to Exceed Your Goals
When it comes to your goals, you likely are unaware of how your current mindset is blocking you.
Sometimes when I talk about this mindset I'm met with skepticism (which is always welcome!), because it's very counterintuitive to what you are conditioned or led to believe. To illustrate what this mindset is all about, I start with a story - about golf! And why you have to go against your brain's natural tendency to protect you in order to adopt this mindset.
This is not about teaching you to instill habits, to do something for 21 days, or to "remind yourself of your why", although I know all those strategies are helpful. This is about changing your entire perception of how you are going after goals, and how to shift your mindset so that you are DRAWN to your goals, don’t let setbacks derail you, and inevitably - and of course effortlessly - exceed your goals.
In this episode I'm covering:
What this mindset shift is all about
Why this mindset is important (read: necessary) to reach your goals
How you can start developing this mindset today with 3 simple steps (because I'll always give you actionable steps!)
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