Maintaining Confidence When the Evidence Isn’t There (Part 1)

I’ve talked about imposter syndrome, which is when all the evidence or indicators point to your successes and talents (promotions, special projects, accolades), but you still lack belief in yourself or question your abilities. 

But what about when you have “evidence” outside yourself that points to you NOT being as capable or talented as you thought? How do you maintain confidence then? 

What I mean by outside evidence is either someone gives you constructive criticism or feedback OR the outcomes/results you are getting are not indicative of your success (e.g. you aren’t meeting your goals).

Getting difficult feedback has the potential to derail your career, or even your life. I’ll be sharing how to make peace with past feedback and know how to handle receiving it moving forward.

In part 2, I’ll talk about how to maintain confidence when you aren’t reaching your goals.

  • Check out the training: The 7 Levels of Leadership (that help you succeed or hold you back):


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