Without Being Someone You're Not
Free Guide: 2-Second Confidence Shift for High-Stakes Meetings
Women Leaders in Marketing/Sales - Can You relate?
You’ve come this far, invested in your career, worked hard, and are great at what you do.
But suddenly it’s like your career has a lid on it. You’re -
Overlooked for the promotion
Not getting the respect and recognition you deserve
Aware something is getting in your way, but aren’t sure how to remove the roadblock
Would you like to -
Get the next title and thrive in your role
Be seen as a valued leader
Unlock the missing link between your ambitions and your ability to achieve them
As a Certified Leadership Coach, trained in Core Energy Coaching™, my specialty is helping women leaders in marketing/sales lead boldly, get recognized, and fill in the leadership gaps that are stopping them from their next level.
Hi, I’m Sara. I work with women leaders in marketing & sales on leadership, career advancement, and confidence.
After 17+ years in New York marketing and advertising, I’ve seen firsthand how important it is to communicate effectively, lead with confidence, advocate for yourself, and enjoy your work. I’ve led teams, been on executive teams, and worked closely with sales—so I get the challenges of rising in your career while staying true to yourself.
I also noticed a pattern: it seemed that the higher women rose, the more pressure they felt to perform and the more they doubted themselves. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
I’ve learned that elevating your confidence doesn’t just make you a better leader—it leads to growth, professional satisfaction, and true happiness. When you trust yourself deeply, you become a magnet for opportunities and create a ripple effect in your career that’s hard to ignore. Today, this is what I help women in leadership do.
What makes my coaching approach different (with proven, sustainable results)?
I practice Core Energy Coaching™ with the science-backed, proven Energy Leadership™ Framework, which changes the way you think, act, and lead. It’s key to achieving results without sacrificing who you are.
The truth is, if you don’t start from within, you’ll end up where you started 6 months later.
Ready to learn more?
Grab my Free Guide: 2-Second Confidence Shift for High-Stakes Meetings and discover -
Why the way you've tried demonstrating confidence doesn't work
The 1 mindset shift that will change will change your confidence (and influence) immediately
Why this single mindset shift is so powerful and effective (you'll be compelled to try it right away)